
Homoeopathy (=homeopathy)
Homos+ Pathos = Similar Suffering

It is a science which deals with the suffering of living being & based on the nature’s Law of Cure, namely ‘Like Cures Like’. This nature’s law of cure was rediscovered and applied successfully for treating human race by a German scientist Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in 1796, and has been verified experimentally and clinically for 200 years. Homoeopathy is the revolutionary, natural medical science. Homoeopathy is gentle and effective system of medicine. The remedies are prepared from natural substances to precise standards and work by stimulating the body’s own healing power. Homoeopathy is a therapeutic system. Its principles differ from those of conventional medicine, as does its approach to the patient and to the concept of ill health. However, it cannot replace all other forms of health care. It can be used as the treatment of first choice in a wide range of conditions and can be a useful addition, or “complement” in other situations, for example, to support good recovery after operations. The concepts of disease and healing which are described in homeopathic books are quite similar to modern scientific concepts. Homeopathy emphasises the importance of treating individuals as individuals and of understanding the whole person as opposed to only understanding a single “diseased part”.

Complementary not alternative

The body has many complex health-maintaining defensive mechanisms. The immune system is an essential part of this, but other factors also have a role to play. If thesemechanisms fail, then we sustain damage or wounds which then have to be repaired.Homeopathy works by stimulating both the health-maintaining and the repair mechanisms. Modern homeopathic doctors work in the same way as their conventional colleagues. History taking, examination and investigation are all important in establishing the diagnosis – in understanding just what is wrong. However, homeopathic doctors consider a wider range of aspects of the patient’s condition – personality traits, physical features, the effects of a variety of environmental influences, patterns of disease within families, and family and social relationships. Homeopathic medicine was first described by Dr Samuel Hahnemann (1755 – 1843). Hahnemann was a German physician who was dissatisfied with the medical therapies and theories of his day. As he was translating a book by the Scot, Cullen, on medicines and their uses, Hahnemann challenged the ideas about how such medicines might work. This led him to take the substance himself so he could experience and describe its effects on a healthy human being. Repeating this type of experiment with other healthy volunteers (these experiments were called “provings”) led him to observe and describe the basic principles of homeopathic medicine. “Like cures like” The first observation was that the symptoms of an illness were identical to the symptoms experienced by a healthy individual who had been given a drug which could treat that illness. Although this is quite the opposite of the way conventional doctors use drugs, there are some modern drugs which work on exactly this principle. Digoxin, for example, can both cause and cure heart irregularities.

The minimum effective dose

His second observation arose from his desire to minimise the harmful effects of the drugs which doctors were using. He did this by repeatedly diluting and succussing (shaking) each medicine to reduce its potential to poison and cause harm. What surprised him in his use of these preparations was that the more stages of dilution and succussion the drug had gone through, the greater it’s potential to cure quickly and harmlessly. This latter observation is still the most controversial one. How can a medicine be more effective in a greater dilution? Indeed, many homeopathic preparations have been subjected to so many stages of this process that it is highly unlikely that any single molecules of the original substance remain. Current research is focusing on the ability of water to retain an imprint of substances which have been dissolved in it. Whatever the mechanism, there is a substantial growing body of evidence that homeopathy works, is safe, effective and cost-effective.

Homoeopathy: Holistic Medicine

The concept of disease in homoeopathy is that disease is a total affection of mind, body & Spirit, the disturbance of the whole organism. Individual organs are not the cause of illness but disturbance at the inner level (disturbance of the life force, the vital energy of the body) is the cause of illness. Therefore homoeopathy does not believe in giving different medicines for different afflicted parts of body but rather give one single constitutional remedy which will cover the disturbance of the whole person. Homoeopathy treats the patient as a whole and not just the disease. Medical philosophy is coming more and more to the conclusion that the mere treatment of symptoms and organs can only help temporarily and that it is the healing power of the body as whole that has to be enhanced. Homoeopathy works with holistic, totalistic and individualistic approach.

The place of homeopathy in clinical care

Homeopathy can be used to treat a wide range of conditions. It can help to repair any damage which the body has the potential to repair, and help restore the balances and mechanisms involved in recovery and health. It is widely used, for example, in conditions such as asthma, eczema and premenstrual syndrome. Despite the differences in approach, homeopathic and conventional treatments can work very well alongside each other. Following are the condition where Homoeopathic treatment can do wonders;

Homoeopathy: Excellent for Psychosomatic ailments

The psychosomatic disorders like Migraine, Asthma, Acidity, Peptic ulcer, Allergy, Ulcerative colitis, etc. are successfully treated with homoeopathy. Homoeopathy has always believed the psychological origin of somatic (body) symptoms. Homoeopaths almost always examines patient’s mental make-up in all cases and remedies are given acting at the level of mind and body together, thus eradicating the disease. Perhaps no other system of medicine has such a superb approach of tackling the mind-body disorders with definite therapeutic agents. Homoeopathic remedies are capable of influencing the state of mind. They can specifically act to alleviate emotional disturbance such as excessive anxiety, irritability, insecurity, obsessive traits, undue jealousy, suspicion (paranoid) fears, depression, neurosis etc. By relieving the emotions such as above, homeopathic remedies bring about harmonious state of health. Thus homoeopathy demonstrates the possibility of the highest goal of medicine, the therapy for the person rather than for the disease alone. Homoeopathic remedies can positively affect mental & emotional disturbed states.

Homoeopathy: Ideal for Infants and Children

Most of the children’s ailments like Cold, Cough, Fever, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Colic, Tonsillitis, Bronchitis, Asthma, Measles, Chickenpox, Mumps, Dentition problems, etc., could be very effectively and quickly treated with homoeopathy without producing any side effects whatsoever. Unlike antibiotics and other such medicines, homeopathic pills do not hamper digestion, nor lower body’s resistance. They neither cause any allergies nor cause any damage even if taken over a long period. Homoeopathic pills being sweet in taste, is willingly ingested by children. Indeed, homoeopathy is child-Friendly ! Besides, homoeopathy is effective also in temperament and behavioral problems seen commonly in children like irritability, obstinacy, temper-tantrums, fears, phobias, destructiveness; and thumb- sucking, nail biting, bed-wetting; as well as in mentally & physically backward children.

Homoeopathy offers best treatment for Viral Infections

Viral infections such as common cold, influenza, measles, chickenpox, mumps, viral hepatitis (jaundice), viral meningitis etc. are very well treated with homoeopathy.

Homoeopathy: Answer to Allergic diseases

In modern life infections have diminished and various allergic disorders have grown rampant. Homoeopathy offers very effective treatment in all allergic diseases such as various skin diseases like Urticaria, Eczema, Contact Dermatitis, as well as gives unbelievably miraculous results in Asthmatic Bronchitis.